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Children born by cesarean section in the normal way likely to become obese adults when they have more than 15 percent of babies born

Cesarean likely to become obese when they came to adulthood in babies born to be no more than 15 percent compared to children born in the normal way, without a clear indication for caesarean risk was reported to be 30 percent of children born.

When the mother's weight and risk of hypertension, such as the high rate of caesarean deliveries that take into account pregnancy complications could continue.

The assessment made by gender, were also determined to be 12 percent for girls and 18 percent of men's risk of obesity in children.

Domestic analysis obesity risk of children born by cesarean section is more than 64 percent, despite living in the same environment with siblings born in the normal way shows.

In contrast, women who give birth before cesarean risk of obesity in babies born with normal east less than 31 percent.

Short name of the GUTS Growing Up Today Study, conducted on 15271 women were born 22068 children and JAMA Pediatrics' t was published.

22 thousand children surveyed only 22 percent of them from cesarean section, I would like to draw your attention to be born.

Researchers cesarean risk of obesity in babies born in the height of the birth canal of the mother's immunity and they are linked with the inability to get the beneficial bacteria that must be taken to ensure a healthy development.

The key to living a healthy microbiota

microbiota name for the prevention of disease in healthy living and the importance of the intestinal bacteria is understood better with each passing day.

In a sterile environment, the developing baby in the womb through the birth canal that received microbiota is starting to take shape with the bacteria.

Caesarean babies of these friendly bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bacteroides) brings to remain deprived of diabetes, heart disease, asthma and allergies, obesity appeared to them more susceptible to many diseases.

Caesarean babies born to ensure you get the friendly bacteria in the birth canal, the baby of the mouth of the face and body of exposure to swab obtained from the vagina of the mother and other portions of these bacteria are studies which has the (2).

Let us as a result of

A: I draw your attention that only 22 percent of cesarean rate in the study. This rate is at least twice as much from us, and some private hospitals almost 3-4 times more!

TWO: Cesarean section is a surgical intervention and maternal and child health, but in terms of "real" should be used if there is a danger.

THREE: fear of a germ-conscious society was created to sell a set of cleaning products.

Of course, remember that microbes us sick but that some microbes is essential for healthy living.

FOUR: Healthy life with a normal birth and starts sucking the mother's milk!

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I am not worry about small breasts!

Every day a new technical and aesthetic surgery which limits the application implementation, struggling a little more each day to refresh a person literally thoroughly. Now, "my nose is ugly, my little chest, my thighs wide, ear scoop" There is no need to fret. Today, surgery, breast augmentation and buttock augmentation narkozsuz, it is possible to correct crooked legs.

Nesters to achieve the desired breast size

Small-breasted women no longer need to issue to it. Nesters will be able to achieve the body you want in the way the Fill method. ladies with the transaction takes 45 minutes under local anesthesia with a special filler that is being developed and tested for two years in Switzerland can achieve the bust line they want. This new method can also be applied in the buttocks and legs.Process is extremely simple and only application area to be anesthetized with a local anesthetic. by means of a needle of a special filler doped it is injected under the tissue.

Applications made of (breast, thigh) instantly grows, the application made to the legs thin section legs are getting a good form at the moment. in the process of enlargement with a special filler made man, it can be applied to give the image of a strong chest muscles.

You can even put on a lunch break

Breast augmentation with fillers nesters, a process that can be applied even during lunch breaks. Following treatment, the treated person can immediately return to social life. retention time of the filler 1 - 1.5 years, and the process can be repeated at the end of this period. In processing applications after a single session, and the process can be mild redness on.

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